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Sauce Labs Desktop

Provar supports Sauce Labs desktop cloud testing.

Sauce Labs provides comprehensive desktop testing using real devices, emulators, and simulators. With Sauce Labs, you can run automated tests of your web apps on various operating system/browser versions for desktop and mobile browsers.

Configuring Sauce Labs in Provar

Before configuring a Sauce Labs Desktop App in Provar, you should have already sorted your Sauce Labs setup and have your Sauce Labs username, access token, and factory class (if applicable). Refer to Sauce Labs’ documentation for more information on completing this setup in Sauce Labs.

Adding a browser provider

To begin configuring the Sauce Labs Desktop App in Provar, add a new Browser Provider.

Navigate to the Test Settings view and click the Browser Providers tab. Then, click the Add New (‘+’) button.

On the Add new Browser Provider screen:

  • In the Name field, enter a browser provider name. 
  • In the Type field, select Sauce Labs Desktop from the drop-down.

Add your Sauce Labs details to connect to Sauce Labs, including Factory Class if applicable.

Within the Data Center drop-down menu, you can choose from globally accessible data centers while creating a Sauce Labs connection. In the Data Center field, select the specific Sauce Labs data center.

Use the Test Connection button to verify the server details.

Adding browsers

Next, add the Browsers that will be used by clicking the Add New (‘+’) button on the Browsers section.

A new Add Sauce Labs Desktop Browsers screen is displayed; select the Platform where testing will occur. (You can ignore the Browser Name as this will be pre-populated based on your other selections.) The Platform drop-down will show all the platforms assigned to the relevant Sauce Labs account.

Then, select a Web Browser and a Browser Version. For the Browser Version, you can select the latest instead of a specific version if you want to run on the latest version of your chosen browser.

Once you are happy with the device details provided, click OK. You can see the browser is added.

You can see that the added browser provider is displayed in the Browser Providers tab.

Running Tests on Sauce Labs for Desktop

Once the set up has been completed, tests can be run in Run mode, Debug mode, or Run under ANT.

Run and Debug Mode Execution

To start executing test cases, first select the new Web Browser which you created above:

This can also be set for a particular test case by using the ‘Web Browser Override’ on the test’s Connection step.

Then, click Run or Debug to run the test.

Progress can be monitored as usual in the Test Runner.

In the Sauce Labs Dashboard, under Automated Builds, you can monitor currently running and previously executed sessions.

Clicking on a session provides running details.

Run under ANT execution

Provar also provides Run under ANT execution for Sauce Labs for Desktop.

To select this, right-click on the test(s) or folder and select Run Under ANT.

In the ANT Dialog, select the new Web Browser you created above.

This will add the following parameters to the Build.xml file.

Running this file will initiate the session/run similarly to the above run and Debug mode sessions.

Proxy environments

Sauce Lab execution will generally work when proxies are defined under Provar Network Settings or defined under the Desired Capability of the Browser Provider as a proxyURL (see below).

If proxy information is set up at both levels, Provar will prefer the proxy information in the Desired Capability setting in the Browser Provider.

To add a proxy at the Browser Provider level, open the Browser Provider in Edit and go to the Desired Capabilities section.

Click the Add New (‘+’) icon.

On the Add new desired Capabilities screen, enter the Name of proxyURL and the value.

Then, click OK.

Once added, use the Test Connection button to ensure the connection works as expected.

Modifying the Job Name

You can define a custom Job Name if you would like to present a specific name in Sauce Labs. This is helpful when you have multiple sets of test cases. If a custom Job Name is defined, a single entry will be created with a grouping of test cases inside.

You can define a custom Job Name by setting up a new system environment variable or in the console where an ANT job is running. If the environment variable PROVAR_Sauce Labs_BUILDNAME is set, this name will be used as the build name.

This can be done by setting up a new system environment variable of PROVAR_SAUCELABS_BUILDNAME.

The system environment variable can also be set in the console.


The following limitations currently exist in Provar’s implementation of Sauce Labs.

Accessing Chrome profiles

Normally, when Provar’s test execution happens locally, Provar users can specify the Google Chrome profile that should be used in the execution. This is not supported when executing tests over Selenium Grid as the execution will happen at the remote node. Due to this limitation, you must re-provide a password and verification token when executing over Selenium Grid, or your IP must be whitelisted. Salesforce should know from where the request is coming so it can provide login access to execute the tests.

Accessing locally stored files

Normally, Provar allows you to download a file locally to perform actions such as assertions. This is not supported when executing tests on Selenium Grid because the remote node cannot access the locally downloaded file, so any tests that use locally downloaded files will not run successfully.

If you are affected by these limitations, please contact Provar support directly for advice.


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