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ServiceMax Field Service Mobile Testing on Windows

ServiceMax Field Service App (FSA) is a mobile field service management tool designed to help technicians and engineers access important information and optimize productivity while working in the field. With ServiceMax FSA Windows, users have advanced access to scheduling tools, contract entitlements, parts and logistics information, and more. ServiceMax FSA can be accessed from laptops, smartphones, and iPads. 

The following includes instructions for using Provar to test mobile applications of ServiceMax FSA using a computer that uses a Microsoft Windows operating system. To get started, you will need to complete some initial configuration tasks.



  • Standard Provar system requirements, plus…
  • Provar version 2.0.5 or later
  • ChromeDriver version 2.38 (Only this version of ChromeDriver is compatible)
  • A Windows 7 or later machine
  • A Salesforce org with the ServiceMax package installed on it
  • User login for this org with administrator and technician permissions (or permission set listed here)
    • If you use a technician connection, you will need an administrator connection in addition to access to the Salesforce metadata in this org for testing
  • Developer mode enabled

ServiceMax FSA Setup Instructions for Windows

Step 1: Start by installing and configuring ServiceMax FSA for Windows. 

Step 2: Accept all defaults when installing this onto your machine. The location of your ServiceMax executable file should appear similar to the following example:

C:\Program Files\ServiceMax\ServiceMax Field Service\Laptop Mobile.exe

We recommend you test your connections to a sandbox org with ServiceMax installed. 

Step 3: Add a connection and enter the sandbox or production org login URL.

Login interface of ServiceMax in Windows

Once you have created this connection, select Login and provide your connection credentials for this org.

Login with you Salesforce account in ServiceMax in Windows

Note: The first time you log in to this org from the ServiceMax FSA on your machine, it will perform a data sync that can take anywhere from 15-20 minutes, depending on the org size and speed of your network connection. This one-time process occurs each time a new machine is used for logging in to ServiceMax Field Service.

 Login interface of ServiceMax Field Service

Once the sync is completed, you will see the calendar screen by default.

Calendar view in ServiceMax FSA

Install Compatible ChromeDriver

To run, build and/or debug ServiceMax FSA tests in Provar, you must use the compatible ChromeDriver version. Provar typically packages the latest ChromeDriver in the installation files by default. However, you will need to override the ChromeDriver included in your download to ensure the tests can be run properly.

Step 3: Refer to the Override ChromeDriver Version support article for instructions.

Step 4: Download ChromeDriver version 2.38, found here.

Download Windows App Driver

Step 5: To support test automation on a mobile application, you must first download the Windows application driver. 

You can download the installation file for Windows here

Step 6: Follow the wizard to complete the WinAppDriver installation on your machine.

Create a ServiceMax FSA Connection in Provar

Before moving forward, ensure that you have Provar 2.0.5 (or newer) installed on your machine.

Step 7: Create a new connection in the Test Settings tab. Set the username, password, and environment to the same values you previously used to log in.

ServiceMax FSA connection in Provar settings

Note: Enable Lightning Mode must be left unchecked. You cannot use Log-on As via an administrator connection for ServiceMax FSA connections.

If this is a technician login, you must perform the following steps.

Step 8: Set up an administrator connection for the same org you connected to previously and create this connection in Provar.

Step 9: Input the following options in the Advanced Settings tab for the technician connection (e.g., Technician in this example).

sample of advance settings in ServiceMax FSA Connection using Provar

Test the connection created here and ensure it passes before continuing. 

Add ServiceMax FSA Mobile App in Provar 

Step 10: Next to the Connections tab in Test Settings, you will find a Mobile Apps tab. This is where we can add Mobile Apps that will show up in the Salesforce Application list. You can also add Mobile Apps outside of Salesforce in this section (by selecting Runs under UI Testing connections).

Step 11: Create a new mobile app with the following settings.

creating a new mobile app with the following settings

Note: The path for your ServiceMax executable may differ based on where you selected to install it in the ServiceMax FSA mobile setup section. 

Create a ServiceMax FSA Test on Windows

You can now create a test case in ServiceMax FSA on Windows! Create a new test case, and you should see ServiceMax FSA listed within your Salesforce Application list for the ServiceMax connection you just created.

sample of ServiceMax FSA Test on Windows

If you would like more information, please refer to our ServiceMax FSA Mobile Testing support article.


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