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Using Java Method Annotations for Custom Objects

If you customize your instance of Salesforce, you may need to insert Java method annotations in order to test those features. (See the page object operations page for additional info.)

To test these custom elements, go to the Navigator pane on the left side of your screen in Provar and find the page objects folder under the project/src folder. Double-click the custom page object that you created. You’ll see two tabs at the bottom of your page object viewer: Page Object Editor and Java Source. Click Java Source.

Within the Java Source screen, you can enter the annotations below to customize the custom page object that is part of your overall test.

Below is a quick glossary of the most frequently used method annotations that you can use to insert and apply the commands you need.


This is a selenium annotation that is used to find an element. You can use parameters such as linkText, xpath, id, Name, CSS, Label, and Component Xpath.


@FindBy(linkText = "Account Information")


This controls how the user interacts with links in a variety of ways. This annotation can be customized based on the interaction type: Hover, Click, Double-Click, Download, Drag and Drop.



@FindBy(xpath = "//input[text()='Email']")

public WebElement email;


This controls how the user interacts with text in a variety of ways. This annotation can be customized based on the interaction type: Hover, Double Click, Set, Click, Clear, Drag and Drop.



@FindBy(xpath = "//input[text()='Email']")

public WebElement email;


This controls how the user interacts with buttons in a variety of ways. This annotation can be customized based on the interaction type, such as Hover, Click, Double Click, Download, Drag and Drop.



@FindBy(xpath = "//input[text()='Save']")

public WebElement save;

@ButtonType(file=true) is used to get “Choose File“ interaction


This controls how the user performs actions in a variety of ways. This annotation can be customized based on the action type, such as Hover, Double Click, Check, Uncheck, Toggle, Drag and Drop.



@FindBy(xpath = "//input[text()='yes']")

public WebElement Yes;


This controls how the user interacts with a picklist (a.k.a. drop-down menu) in various ways. This annotation can be customized based on the interaction type: Hover, Double Click, SetByIndex, Set, Clear, Click, Drag and Drop.


@ChoiceListType(values = {

@ChoiceListValue(value = "prod1", title = "Test 123"),

@ChoiceListValue(value = "prod2", title = "testing 321") })

@FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id="sproduct"]/select")

public WebElement selectProduct;


This function is used to verify that a specific item is available in a drop-down menu. For example, you can use this to verify that an opportunity stage drop-down menu includes the option to select “Prospecting”.


This can be used for finding an element by label in a custom table.


@PageTable(row = Con.class)

@VisualforceBy(componentXPath = "apex:dataTable[@value = "{!con}"]")

public List<Con> Con;

@PageRow(byColumn = true)

public static class Con {


@VisualforceBy(componentXPath = "apex:outputField[@value = "{!a.lastname}"]")

public WebElement lastName;


@VisualforceBy(componentXPath = "apex:outputField[@value = "{!}"]")

public WebElement email;


@PageTable(row = Con.class) is used to define Rows in table

@PageRow(byColumn = true)is used to get in row by column


This annotation is used to define a frame/Iframe in page objects. (Most of the time Provar automatically manages iframes, but sometimes you may need to handle iframes manually.)



public static class Frame{


@FindBy(xpath = "//*[text()=’username’]")

public WebElement username;


@Findby(name ="testFrame")

public Frame frame;


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