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This function formats a number in a defined pattern. The NumberFormat class is used to format numbers according to a specific Locale. Different countries have different standards for how they format numbers.

Format: NumberFormat(numberToformat, outputFormat, language, countryCode, decimalSeparator, groupingSeparator)

Note that language, countryCode, decimalSeparator, and groupingSeparator are optional.

Example: Case 1

If you are giving the locale, then the number format will work only for the symbols of that particular locale.

Example: {NumberFormat(12333456.7847, "##,#####.####", "en", "US")}

Output – 123,33456.7847

Example: Case 2

If you are not providing the locale, the default locale will be en-IN. The number will be formatted as per the locale’s symbols.

Example: {NumberFormat("324567.89", "PLN ###,###.##")}

Output – PLN 324,567.89

Example: Case 3

If you want space as a separator in your output format, you will have to explicitly give it as a parameter.

Example: {NumberFormat("345126.7847", "## ###,####", "bg", "BG", ",")}

Output – 345 126,7847

Example: Case 4

Don’t provide the locale if you want to specify your symbols in outputFormat. Instead, you should mention the separator symbols as parameters of the method.

Example 1: {NumberFormat("324567.89", "PLN ### ###,##", null, null, ",", " ")}

Output – PLN324 567,89

Example 2: {NumberFormat("12333456.7847", "##,###/####", "fa", "IR", "/", ",")}

Output – 12,333,456/7847

In addition, if you need to provide a decimal in the number to be formatted, if there is no decimal in numberToformat, then the output will format only the integer part.

Example 3: {NumberFormat(12337847, "##,#####.####", "en", "US")}

Output – 123,37847


Want to learn more about using this function in Provar? You can use the following sample test case to get started. Simply right-click to download NumberFormat.testcase and then drag and drop the test case into the test folder within the Navigator panel of Provar.

Note: Unzip/extract the compressed file before using it in Provar.

For more information, check out this course on University of Provar.


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