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Tags and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Tags and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are very powerful features in Provar that can help you apply labels and descriptions to test cases and individual test steps. These are designed to help you identify important information such as the business owner, the functional area of the test case and the name of the person who is responsible for maintaining the case. 

These can help you overcome the challenges associated with managing and organizing a large volume of test cases. 

In general, you will need to first create and define your tags and SLAs and then apply them to your test cases where applicable. 

The following includes instructions for defining test cases using the Tags and SLA feature.

Business Owner tag

The Business Owner tag is used to define the business owner of test cases.

Step 1: To create a business owner tag, click Test Settings and then the Tags and SLA tab.

Above: View of the Tags and SLAs tab. 

Step 2: Click this icon to add a new tag. 

Step 3: Click the Tag Type drop-down menu and select Business Owner

Above: View of a Business Owner tag. 

Step 4: Enter the Tag Name and Description

Step 5: Click the OK button. 

Above: View of a Business Owner tag. 

Functional Area Tag

The Functional Area tag is used to define the functional area of what you are testing. For example, you might want to create a Functional Area tag to describe the individual processes or systems that you are testing. 

Step 1: To create a business owner tag, click Test Settings and then the Tags & SLA tab.

Step 2: Click this icon to add a new tag. 

Step 3: Click the Tag Type drop-down menu and select Functional Area.

Step 4: Enter the Tag Name and Description

Step 5: Click the OK button. 

Above: View of a Functional Area tag. 

Test Case Maintainer tag

You can use this to define the name of the person who will be maintaining the test case.

Step 1: To create a Test Case Maintainer tag, click Test Settings and then the Tags & SLA tab.

Step 2: Click this icon to add a new tag. 

Step 3: Click the Tag Type drop-down menu and select Test Case Maintainer.

Step 4: Enter the Tag Name and Description

Step 5: Click the OK button. 

Above: View of a Test Case Maintainer tag. 

Creating SLAs

You can use SLAs to define service level agreement parameters for test cases.

Step 1: To create the SLA, click on Test Settings and then the Tags and SLA tab. 

Step 2: Click this icon to add a new tag. 

Step 3: Select SLA Requirement

Step 4: Enter the Tag Name and Description

Step 5: Enter the Expected Duration in (seconds) which will be used to measure test case execution and test step execution.

Step 6: Enter the Maximum Duration in (seconds) which will be used to measure test case execution and test step execution

Step 7: Click the OK button.

Above: View of the Add a new Tag screen. 

Above: View of Tags and SLAs screen. 

Using tags and SLAs in test cases

You can use tags and SLAs at both the test case level and test step level. 

Step 1: Open test case.

Step 2: Click the Tag icon in the test case and select the tag type that you want to add such as SLA Requirement, Business Owner, Functional Area or Test Case Maintainer. 

Above: View of Tags icon within a test case. 

Step 3: Within the Tags and SLA screen, select the tag(s) or SLA(s) that you want to add from the relevant drop-down menus. 

Above: View of the Tags and SLAs window. 

Step 4: You can reorder the selected tag(s) and/or SLA(s) using the yellow up and down arrows. This will determine the order in which these sections appear in your exported report. 

Step 5: Run your test case. 

Step 6: When exporting your test case execution report, you have the option to select Summarize by Functional Area, Summarize by SLA Requirement, Summarize by Test Case Maintainer and/or Summarize by Business Owner

You will see your test cases grouped by your tags and SLAs. 

Above: View of the Export Test Run window. 

Above: View of test case report results grouped by tags.


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