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Run Under ANT with MacOS Catalina

If you upgrade to macOS Catalina (version 10.5 or newer versions), you may experience pop up messages when attempting to use Provar Run Under ANT.

To resolve these issues, you can use the following instructions.

You can also refer to the following support articles to learn more about using Provar with Apache Ant:

Configure Java

Step 1: Download Java Development Kit (JDK) for macOS Catalina and install it on your machine using the prompted instructions.

Step 2: Navigate to the user home location of the computer where Provar is installed.

Step 3: Find the .bash_profile. The .bash_profile may be hidden. If so, use command+shift+. to make hidden files visible. 

Note: The command above does include a period after the second plus sign. 

Step 4: If you still do not see the .bash_profile, use the following command within the terminal: 

touch .bash_profile

Step 5: Right-click on the .bash_profile file and select Open With > TextEdit

Step 6: Add the following command: 

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)

Step 7: Export JAVA_HOME to PATH with the following command: 

export PATH=$PATH::$JAVA_HOME/bin

Step 8: Restart your machine.

Step 9: Type the following command: 

java -version

Note: It should now display the JDK version information.

Configure Apache Ant

Step 1: Start by downloading and installing Apache Ant. 

Step 2: Copy the file to your preferred location once it has been downloaded.

Open the terminal and navigate to where you copied the downloaded file. You can now use the following command to extract the file. 

$ tar vxf apache-ant-1.10.9-bin.tar.gz

Step 3: Navigate to the user home location of your computer. 

Step 4: Right-click on .bash_profile and select Open With > TextEdit

Step 5: Add the following commands to change the path of Apache Ant:

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)

export ANT_HOME=/Users/sudarshan.singh/Ant/apache-ant-1.10.9

export PATH=$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin

Step 6: Restart your machine.

Step 7: Open the terminal and navigate to Applications.

Step 8: Enter the following command in the terminal to open Provar: 


Step 9: Right-click on any test case and select RunUnderAnt. A dialog box will open to configure the build file and run your test cases.


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