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Out of Memory Error During CI Execution

This page describes how to resolve an Out-of-memory error you may experience when running test cases from Jenkins or any other CI tool. You get the following Out of Memory error when running test cases from Jenkins or any other CI tool:

c:\Jenkins\workspace\Develop\CICD Jobs\Provar ART against UAT\build\Provar\local\ANT\ant\CPQ_Parcels.xml:27: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

The test cases appear to run well from the CI tool, but the test run report (PDF) is not created due to the Out of Memory error.


This error can be caused by including a lot of screenshots in test cases. To resolve this error, we recommend increasing the heap size memory in the Jenkins job.

Please configure it as follows by updating the Java Options:

Complete the New form. We suggest a name of ‘Provar Metadata,’ but this can be changed to whatever naming standard is preferred.

We recommend increasing these to:




Then save the changes and re-try execution. This should resolve the issue.


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