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Version Control and DevOps

Version Control is an important part of any DevOps strategy.

A Version Control System will allow team members to work freely on any file at any time, while supporting the merging of changes into a standard version. Even if you are the sole member of your team, a Version Control System is still a valuable resource as it will assist you in storing and organizing project versions correctly, restoring previous versions when needed, and keeping backups.

Version control in DevOps

In DevOps, a Version Control System gives better control over the version of the tests being scheduled without needing to amend your Build File or your Continuous Integration Server setup. Test versions are mastered in the Version Control System, and upon each run, the Continuous Integration Server can access the tests from that location.

Note that a Version Control System is not mandatory in a DevOps strategy with Provar, although it is recommended.

If you are not using a Version Control System, you can still schedule your tests using a Continuous Integration server, but the server will access your tests from a defined location on a local machine. If this is your scenario, you can skip the rest of this page and move on to Setting up Continuous Integration.

What do I need?

To use Version Control in your test scheduling, you will need to have:

  • A Version Control System set up
  • A defined Version Control strategy that is being followed by your team

If you already have both, skip the following sections and move to Version Control and Provar (see below) to learn what files must be checked into your Version Control System.

How do I get started?

If you do not yet have a Version Control System set up and/or a defined Version Control strategy, choose one of the following options:

  • I want to set up a Version Control System
  • I already have a Version Control System and want to learn how to use it with Provar:
    • I am using Git
    • I am using SVN, Team Foundation, or HP ALM
    • I use another Version Control System

I want to set up a Version Control System.

Start by choosing which Version Control System you want to use. One good option is Git. To start, try Salesforce’s Git and GitHub Basics Trailhead module, which includes instructions on installing Git and creating your first Repository. Once you’ve finished this module and have Git installed, move on to the next section.

I am using Git and want to learn how to use it with Provar.

Provar has a Git plugin that allows testers to perform Git activities from within Provar. Refer to Introduction to Git Integration for more information on setting up this plugin.

You must check specific Provar files in your Version Control to make your tests run properly when scheduled. Refer to Version Control and Provar (see below) for more information.

I am using SVN, Team Foundation Server or HP ALM.

Provar has plugins to support the use of SVN and Team Foundation Server. These plugins can be accessed under Help > Add/Remove Features when running Provar as an administrator. Refer to Introduction to Git Integration for detailed steps on enabling a plugin.

Provar also supports integration with HP ALM. Refer to the HP ALM help page for more information.

You must check specific Provar files in your Version Control to make your tests run properly when scheduled. Refer to Version Control and Provar (see below) for more information.

I use another Version Control System not mentioned above.

If Provar does not yet integrate with your Version Control System of choice, you can still use these systems with Provar by manually checking in your Project and Test Case files from your local directory.

You must check specific Provar files in your Version Control to make your tests run properly when scheduled. Refer to Version Control and Provar (see below) for more information.

Version Control and Provar

Provar is a file-based system. The files it creates are XML, Text or Java, as shown in the table below:

To make your tests run properly when scheduled, make sure that the following files are not checked into your Version Control System:

In addition, if you are using Git, the default .gitignore file should be replaced with this file. Ensure that the file has the extension .gitignore after saving it.

Once you are finished, you can move on to the final section, Setting up Continuous Integration.

For more information, check out these courses on University of Provar:


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