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Uploading Callable Test Cases in Provar Manager

You can upload the callable test cases if a dependency of a test case is being uploaded to the Provar Manager. Select the callable test case checkbox to upload the callable test case.

You can see the Callable test cases at the bottom of the tree view under the  Callable Test Cases section. You can expand/collapse the Callable Test Cases section.  You can link/unlink callable test cases like any regular test cases. Related callable test cases are automatically selected when a test case is selected. There is no limit to the nesting of callable test steps (i.e., a callable test can call another callable test); however, the testing is limited up to 3 levels.

Steps to Upload Callable Test Cases

  1. Right-click on a Test Plan and click Upload to Provar Manager
  2. When you select a Test Plan, all its dependent test cases and the Callable Test Cases are automatically selected. Click Upload.

Note: You can also select individual callable test cases, but you cannot deselect the dependent callable test cases from a plan.

3. You will see a message when the test cases are uploaded successfully.

In Provar Manager

In the Test Steps section, open any uploaded Test case. Within the test steps, you will see callable test cases uploaded.

Open the callable test case and select the Test Case to Call field; it points to the dependent test case.

Open the test case to view its test steps.

For more information, check out this course on University of Provar.


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