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Defect Management

The Defect Management phase focuses on identifying, recording, tracking, prioritizing, and resolving defects or issues discovered during testing. In this phase, the testing team documents any identified defects, assigns them unique identifiers, and communicates them to the development team for resolution.

Effective defect management is critical in ensuring that the software under development meets its quality targets and is free of significant issues before its release. This phase involves collaboration between various stakeholders, including testers, developers, project managers, and other team members, as they work together to understand the root cause of each defect, prioritize their resolution based on business impact, and track their progress toward resolution.

When a defect is identified, it should be reported through Provar Manager. The report should include clear descriptions of the symptoms, steps to reproduce the defect, and any relevant context or additional information to help the development team understand the issue and prioritize its resolution.

As the development team resolves each defect, they update the testing team regarding their progress and the expected resolution date. Once a defect is resolved, the testing team must retest the software to verify that the issue has been addressed and hasn’t introduced any new issues or unintended side effects.

Effective defect management results in a high-quality software product with fewer issues and bugs, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction, reduced time to market, and lower maintenance costs.

Defects can be raised on Test Execution or Test Step Execution records, depending on the preferred level of granularity.

They can be linked to Test Cases or Test Step records for traceability and reporting
purposes, and you can define their impact and priority and track their status.

Root Cause Analysis Report Generation

Provar Manager allows you to use AI to generate preliminary Root Cause Analysis reports for failed Salesforce Apex unit test executions. The report includes an introduction, background, description of the error, root cause analysis, recommendations, and a conclusion.

To use this feature, make sure you have saved your OpenAI API Key in Provar Manager’s Setup page (see the Setup section of this document).

To generate a report, go to a Defect record raised by Provar Manager off the back of a failed Salesforce Apex unit test execution. It is linked to a test execution and a test case representing the unit test.

Click the Generate RCA button on the top right and then Generate Root Cause Analysis in the pop-up window. It may take more than 10 seconds to generate the report.

Once the report is generated, you can review it and save it into the Defect record by clicking the Save button.

Test Cycle Closure

The Test Cycle Closure phase marks the end of the testing process, where the testing team reports on the overall test results and prepares documentation to support the release of a software application. In this phase, the testing team documents and communicates their findings from the various testing activities throughout the development lifecycle, including the number and types of defects identified, their impact on the software’s functionality, and any recommendations for improvement.

The test cycle closure report provides valuable information to stakeholders, such as project managers, developers, customers, and other team members, about the quality of the software under development and the testing process itself. This report includes an overview of the testing objectives, methodologies, and results, as well as details on any identified defects, their root causes, and the status of each defect at the time of release.

Additionally, during the test cycle closure phase, any documentation related to the testing process, such as test plans, test cases, and test scripts, is updated to maintain an accurate record of the testing activities for future reference. The testing team may also provide recommendations for improving the software quality and the testing process based on their experiences throughout the development lifecycle.

Effective test cycle closure ensures that all stakeholders are informed about the test results and the quality of the software being released. It provides valuable insights to customers or other users to support decision-making around its release. This phase plays a crucial role in maintaining the organization’s commitment to delivering high-quality software products and fostering continuous improvement within the development process.

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