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System Requirements

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Hardware and Software Recommendations

Before you install Provar, check that your machine has the following:

  • For best performance, 16 GB RAM is recommended. The minimum system configuration is 8 GB RAM. You should also have at least 5 GB of free disk space and a dual-core/quad-core processor, based on the number of processes running on the system.
  • A strong network connection to help Provar run effectively.
  • A recent version of Google Chrome browser. This browser is strongly recommended for use with Provar since it gives you access to the Test Builder, a Chrome application that lets you build tests quickly from within Salesforce. If you don’t have Google Chrome installed, you can still use Provar, but this plugin will not be available. Contact us for more information on how to adjust your testing process accordingly.
  • Git command line tools.
  • Only Java 11 is supported.

Supported Windows Versions

Supported Mac Versions

Supported Linux Versions

Linux is supported under CLI execution only.
If all prerequisites are met, Provar should run tests on any Linux distribution.

For more information, read about Running Provar on Linux.


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