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Creating a Git Repository for Automation Projects

Follow the steps below to create a Repository for your Automation Project. These steps give instructions using Git Desktop, but the same steps could be recreated using Git.

Note: this page assumes you have Git or Git Desktop already installed on your machine. Please ensure this is completed prior to following these steps. If you are new to Git, refer to Salesforce’s Git and Github Basics Trailhead module for help installing Git and performing everyday activities.

Step 1: Launch Github Desktop and click on the + icon.

Step 2: Choose the ‘Create’ option. Enter a Name and Local Path to create the local repository, then click Create Repository:

Step 3Go to the local path specified above and replace the .gitignore file with this file. Make sure you name the file as .gitignore, removing the *, after downloading it.

The following files should NOT be committed to the repository:

Data Description How to recreate
.metadata and */ProvarANT/* folder Contains Cached Org Information and Logfiles Provar will recreate this folder when it does not exist
bin folder Contains all compiled Java classes Provar will re-compile all Java classes contained in the src folder
*.pdf documents By default, Provar test reports are added to the project directory; you may not want these added to Version Control Run the test case again.

Step 4: Return to Github Desktop and Click the ‘Publish’ button. You may need to provide a Username and Password.

Step 5: Provide a Description and select the repository. Select the Private Repository checkbox if you want to use a private repository. Click Publish at the bottom.

Step 6: Launch Automation and specify your workspace as the local path defined in Step 2. Create a new Project.

Step 7: Go to the Project in Github Desktop. Enter a comment and Commit to Master:

Step 8: Click on Sync:

You can start working on your Automation Project with everything on your GitHub repository. Remember to commit your changes nightly (Steps 7 and 8) to back up your changes.

For more information, check out this course on University of Provar.


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