
Looking for something in particular?

NitroX Interactions

Below are interactions for your custom components that NitroX supports by default.

1. Click = function(element, sync, autowaits, events)

  • Description: Clicks on the element.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to click on.

            type: DOM element

        sync: If true, the click will be synchronous. 

            type: Boolean

        autowaits: The autowaits to use for the action.

            type: Array of strings

            default autowaits : [‘attached’, ‘visible’, ‘stable’, ‘receives events’, ‘enabled’];

        events: The events to dispatch after the click. 

            type: Array of strings

            default events : no default events.

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield;"
"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield, true);"
"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield'button'), false, ['attached', 'visible'], ['change', 'blur', 'focusout']);"    

2. Set = function(element, value, elementLabel, eventsAfter, eventsBefore, autowaits)

  • Description: Sets the value of the element.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to set the value for.

            type: DOM element

        value: The value to set. 

            type: String

        elementLabel: The label of the element to be shown in the logs. 

            type: String

        eventsAfter: The events to dispatch after setting the value. 

            type: Array of strings

            default eventsAfter : [‘input’, ‘change’, ‘blur’]

        eventsBefore: The events to dispatch before setting the value. 

            type: Array of strings

            default eventsBefore : no default events.

        autowaits: The autowaits to use for the action. 

            type: Array of strings

            default autowaits : [‘attached’, ‘visible’, ‘enabled’, ‘editable’];

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.set(element,  arguments[1]);"  
"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.set(element,  arguments[1], 'inputField');"
"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.set(element,  arguments[1], 'inputField', ['input', 'change', 'blur'], ['focusin', 'focusout'], ['attached', 'visible', 'enabled', 'editable']);"
**arguments[1] is the value entered in the text box in the TB.**

3. GetAttribute = function(element, attributeName, postProcessor, isJsProperty)

  • Description: Gets the attribute value of the element.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to get the attribute value from.

            type: DOM element

        attributeName: The name of the attribute to get.

            type: String

        postProcessor: The post processor function to apply to the attribute value.

            type: String

        isJsProperty: If true, the attribute is a JavaScript property. If false, the attribute is an HTML attribute.

            type: Boolean

"javaScriptSnippet": "return yield interactions.getAttribute(element, 'textContent', null);"
"javaScriptSnippet": "return yield interactions.getAttribute(element, 'href', null, false);"
"javaScriptSnippet": "return yield interactions.getAttribute(element, 'countryOptions', 'const listArray = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)); return listArray && listArray.length && Array.isArray(listArray) ?>m.label).join(\\', \\') : listArray')"
"javaScriptSnippet": "return yield interactions.getAttribute(element, 'textContent', 'if (value) {return value.trim();} else { return value;}');"
"javaScriptSnippet": "return yield interactions.getAttribute(element, 'columns', 'const listArray = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)); return listArray' , false);"

4. SetAttribute = function(element, attribute, value, eventsAfter, elementLabel, eventsBefore, autowaits)

  • Description: Sets the attribute value of the element.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to set the attribute value for.

            type: DOM element

        attribute: The name of the attribute to set.

            type: String

        value: The value to set.

            type: String

        eventsAfter: The events to dispatch after setting the attribute value.

            type: Array of strings

            default eventsAfter : no default events.

        elementLabel: The label of the element to be shown in the logs.

            type: String

        eventsBefore: The events to dispatch before setting the attribute value.

            type: Array of strings

            default eventsBefore : no default events.

        autowaits: The autowaits to use for the action.

            type: Array of strings

            default autowaits : [‘attached’, ‘visible’, ‘stable’, ‘receives events’, ‘enabled’];

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setAttribute(element, 'value',  arguments[1]);"
"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setAttribute(element, 'checked',  arguments[1], ['input', 'change', 'blur'], 'inputField', ['focusin', 'focusout'], ['attached', 'visible', 'enabled', 'editable']);"
"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setAttribute(element, 'selected',  arguments[1], ['change', 'blur', 'focusout']);"
**arguments[1] is the value entered in the text box in the TB.**

5. Hover = function(element)

  • Description: Hover over the element.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to hover over.

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.hover(element);"

6. SetNow = function(element, isDateField)

  • Description: Sets the value of the element to the current date or time.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to set the value for.

            type: DOM element

        isDateField: If true, the value will be set to the current date. If false, the value will be set to the current time.

            type: Boolean

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setNow(element, true);"
"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setNow(element, false);"

7. SetForCheckBoxGroup = function(element, options, value)

  • Description: Sets the value of the checkbox group.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to set the value for.

            type: DOM element

        tpions: The list of checkboxes to be checked or unchecked.

            type: String seprated by comma

        value: The value to set.

            type: Boolean

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setForCheckBoxGroup(element, arguments[1], true);"
"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setForCheckBoxGroup(element, arguments[1], false);"
**arguments[1] is the value entered in the text box in the TB.**

8. SetAllCheckBoxGroup = function(element, value)

  • Description: Sets the value of all checkboxes in the group.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to set the value for.

            type: DOM element

        value: The value to set.

            type: Boolean

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setAllCheckBoxGroup(element, true);"
"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setAllCheckBoxGroup(element, false);"

9. SetForLightningLookUp = function(element, value)

  • Description: Sets the value of the lightning lookup.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to set the value for.

            type: DOM element

        value: The value to set.

            type: String

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setForLightningLookUp(element, arguments[1]);"
**arguments[1] is the value entered in the text box in the TB.**

10. ShowAllResultsForLightningLookUp = function(element, value)

  • Description: Shows all results for the lightning lookup.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to show all results for.

            type: DOM element

        value: The value to set.

            type: String

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.showAllResultsForLightningLookUp(element, arguments[1]);"
**arguments[1] is the value entered in the text box in the TB.**

11. SetforSelect = function(element, value)

  • Description: Sets the value of the select element.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to set the value for.

            type: DOM element

        value: The value to set.

            type: String

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setforSelect(element, arguments[1]);"
**arguments[1] is the value entered in the text box in the TB.**

12. SetForComboBox = function(element, value, elementLabel)

  • Description: Sets the value of the combobox.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to set the value for.

            type: DOM element

        value: The value to set.

            type: String

        elementLabel: The label of the element to be shown in the logs.

            type: String

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setForComboBox(element, arguments[1]);"
"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setForComboBox(element, arguments[1], 'combobox');"
**arguments[1] is the value entered in the text box in the TB.**

13. SetLightningListDualBox = function(element, value)

  • Description: Sets the value of the lightning list dual box.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to set the value for.

            type: DOM element

        value: The value to set.

            type: String

 "javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setLightningListDualBox(element, arguments[1]);"
**arguments[1] is the value entered in the text box in the TB.**

14. SelectOption = function(element, value)

  • Description: Selects the option from the dropdown.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to select the option from.

            type: DOM element

        value: The value to select.

            type: String

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.selectOption(element, arguments[1]);"
**arguments[1] is the value entered in the text box in the TB.**

15. Expand = function(element)

  • Description: Expands the element.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to expand.

            type: DOM element

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.expand(element);"

16. Collapse = function(element)

  • Description: Collapses the element.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to collapse.

            type: DOM element

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.collapse(element);"

17. SelectTab = function(element)

  • Description: Selects the tab.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to select the tab.

            type: DOM element

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.selectTab(element);"

18. SetForDate = function(element, value)

  • Description: Sets the value of the date field.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to set the value for.

            type: DOM element

        value: The value to set.

            type: String

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setForDate(element, arguments[1]);"
**arguments[1] is the value entered in the text box in the TB.**

19. SetForTime = function(element, value)

  • Description: Sets the value of the time field.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to set the value for.

            type: DOM element

        value: The value to set.

            type: String

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.setForTime(element, arguments[1]);"
**arguments[1] is the value entered in the text box in the TB.**

20. lightningUploadFiles = function(element, value)

  • Description: Uploads the files for lightning element.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to upload the files.

            type: DOM element

        value: The value to set.

            type: String

 "javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.lightningUploadFiles(element, arguments[1]);"
**arguments[1] is the value entered in the text box in the TB.**

21. htmlUploadFiles = function(element, value)

  • Description: Uploads the files for HTML element.
  • Parameters:

        element: The element to upload the files.

            type: DOM element

        value: The value to set.

            type: String

"javaScriptSnippet": "js::yield interactions.htmlUploadFiles(element, arguments[1]);"
**arguments[1] is the value entered in the text box in the TB.**

To get a deeper understanding of NitroX, we recommend the following UP courses:


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