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Test Plan Scheduling

Test Plan Schedules are used to orchestrate the execution of test plans and can be created from a test plan record under its Execution section or from the Test Plan Schedules tab.

You can select one of the three supported testing tools:

  • Salesforce (Apex) is used to execute Salesforce Apex unit tests.
  • Provar Grid is used to execute Provar automated test cases in the cloud.
  • Generic API is used to call out external APIs to trigger jobs.

You can also select a Missing Test Case Strategy to decide what should happen when Provar Manager retrieves results for test cases that are not present in Provar Manager.

After creating a Test Plan Schedule record, make sure to:

  1. Configure its settings by clicking on the Configure Settings button.
  2. (Optional) Select the tests to run, if you have configured it to run test cases or test suites added to the schedule, by clicking the Select Tests button.
  3. Set the status as Active.

Provar Manager has an hourly job that picks up all the active test plan schedules that should have run in the previous hour and runs them.

You can also click the Run button to run them immediately.

Schedule Job Alerts

Provar Manager can automatically send notifications when a job has succeeded or failed.

Under the Alerts section on a Test Plan Schedule, you can configure the channels and criteria to send alerts by checking the Enable Alerts checkbox.

Email Alerts

Select On Success and/or On Failure on the Email Alerts field, and add Alert Recipients in the related list so they can receive alerts.

Please verify the user’s email address in Salesforce, per this help article.

Slack Alerts

Select On Success and/or On Failure on the Slack Alerts field, and select a Slack Webhook to receive the alerts.

You can learn more about creating webhooks in Slack in this help article.

The Webhook URL required on the Slack Webhook record should look something like this:

These are the variables you can use in your webhook:

  • jobId
  • jobUrl
  • jobName
  • jobStatus
  • jobStartDate
  • jobEndDate
  • jobComments
  • jobTotalExecuted
  • jobTotalSkipped
  • jobTotalPassed
  • jobTotalFailed
  • jobPassRate
  • scheduleId
  • scheduleUrl
  • scheduleName
  • scheduleDescription
  • scheduleTestingTool
  • scheduleTestPlanName
  • scheduleSystemName
  • scheduleEnvironmentName

Your message could look something like this:

    STATUS: {jobStatus
    START-END DATE: {jobStartDate} - {jobEndDate}
    COMMENTS: {jobComments}
    PASS RATE: {jobPassRate}
    SCHEDULE INFORMATION: {scheduleName}
    DESCRIPTION: {scheduleDescription}
    TEST PLAN: {scheduleTestPlanName}
    ENVIRONMENT: {scheduleEnvironmentName}
    SYSTEM: {scheduleSystemName}
    TESTING TOOL: {scheduleTestingTool}

Salesforce Apex Unit Test Execution Scheduling

Create a Test Plan Schedule and select the testing tool to be Salesforce (Apex) if you want to leverage Provar Manager’s connections to your Salesforce orgs to run some Apex unit tests.

When configuring its settings, you will see the following form:

  • Tests to Run
    • Test cases/suites added to the Test Plan Schedule. Using the Select Tests button, this option will use the test cases you manually select on the schedule using the Select Tests button.
    • Test suites were added to the Test Plan.
    • All tests are in the org (except managed packages). This option is recommended if you haven’t imported any Apex unit tests into Provar Manager.
    • All tests are in the org (including managed packages). This may run many irrelevant unit tests belonging to installed managed packages.
  • Skip Code Coverage Calculation. You won’t be able to retrieve the latest code coverage reports if selected, but your tests may run faster.

Provar Grid Execution Scheduling

To learn more about how to configure Provar Grid schedules, please refer to its documentation.

Generic API Callout Scheduling

Create a Test Plan Schedule and select the testing tool to be Generic API if you want Provar Manager to make a callout to an API.

When configuring its settings, you will see the following form:

  1. Choose a System of type API.
  2. Choose a related API Path.
  3. (Optional) Send a file as a payload. You can upload a JSON or XML file containing the HTTP body that should be sent to the API.
  4. (Optional) URL Parameters. These will be appended to the URL like “?{key1}={param1}&{key2}={param2}”.

For more information, check out this course on University of Provar.


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