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Debugging Tests

In the Test Builder there are various directional controls to help with debugging. These are indicated by the following icons:

There is also a Pause on Error () mode in Automation which will hold execution if a test step fails. When this is enabled, the test case will pause whenever an error occurs. Finally there is also a Step To option for navigating to a specific test step anywhere in the test. This will re-navigate the Test Builder to the defined point without executing other steps.

Adding breakpoints

To debug an issue, or to add new test steps in the middle of a test, breakpoints are recommended. Setting a breakpoint on a test step will mean that the Test Builder will pause execution on this step once it is reached.

To add a breakpoint to a test step, right-click on the test step in Automation or Test Builder and select Toggle Breakpoint:

Note: You can also use a Disable Test Item option which will keep the test step in the test case but skip it at runtime.

Viewing the log

You can view the detailed log file for any test step by right-clicking on the step in the Test Builder.

The log is also available in the Test Runner in Automation.

For more information, check out this course on University of Provar.


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