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Metadata Coverage with Manager

Tracking metadata coverage can give you valuable insight into how you are managing the quality of your applications. With Provar Manager, you can load metadata components, relate Automation test cases to metadata, and generate reports showing your metadata component coverage.

Load Metadata Components into Manager

There are two ways you can load metadata components into Manager. You can do it manually via Manager or you can do it automatically through the Provar Automation integration with Manager.

Via Manager

Salesforce system records let you browse the connected orgs to retrieve their Apex Classes, Apex Triggers, or Flows as Metadata Components (to be used for metadata coverage reporting and smart testing) or import the Apex Unit Tests as Test Cases (for test execution and metadata coverage reporting).

To browse the Salesforce org and import its information, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Browse Org button on a connected Salesforce system record page.
  2. Click the corresponding button (e.g., Browse Apex Classes) to load the list of metadata items in the org.
  3. Select the metadata items you want to import. You can see if they have been imported in the Imported column.
  4. Click Import as Metadata Components or Import as Test Cases to import the metadata items.
Via Automation

You can also enable Metadata reporting on the connection to Manager by checking the Report Metadata Coverage checkbox. After enabling this feature, Automation will start collecting what Salesforce metadata test cases interact with.

When uploading test cases to Manager, the metadata coverage present locally is also uploaded, allowing you to start running test cases from Manager based on metadata changes tracked in your DevOps pipeline.

Relate Test Cases to Metadata Components

There are two ways you can relate Test Cases to metadata components. You can do it manually via Manager or you can do it automatically through the Provar Automation integration with Manager.

Via Manager

You can link Test Cases to Metadata Components by clicking on the Link to Metadata Components option in the menu.

Via Automation

When setting up your Provar Manager connection, checking the Report Metadata Coverage checkbox will automatically relate your test cases to metadata components.

Report on Metadata Coverage

Code Coverage

Code coverage can be used to understand how much of the code is being tested, but it doesn’t measure how thorough or adequate those tests are.

Still, it can help your team progress toward a more thorough test suite, and highlight trouble spots requiring more attention (e.g. new code introduced but not covered, or coverage % dropping after a deployment).

Provar Manager can be used to monitor Salesforce Apex code coverage across multiple orgs. Follow the below instructions to set it up.

  1. Go to a System record of type “Salesforce”, or create a new one.
  2. Make sure Provar Manager is connected to the Salesforce org.
  3. Click on the “Coverage” tab.
Scheduling Coverage Reports

To schedule coverage reports to run regularly, create a Coverage Report Schedule record from the System record page (see above instructions).

Once the Coverage Report Schedule Status is set to “Active”, Provar Manager will regularly create a Coverage Report record under the selected System as per the schedule settings.

Analysing Coverage Reports

Above: Snapshot of a Coverage Report record.

Each Coverage Report record shows the number of components reported, and the individual coverage of each component.

By clicking on an individual component, you can see its coverage evolution over time and the test cases related to that component.

Teams can easily see if there were drops in coverage at a particular point in time, or if the coverage % is lower than the permitted threshold.

Above: Snapshot of a Metadata Component Coverage chart.

For more information, check out this course on University of Provar.


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