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ServiceMax Testing

ServiceMax is a complete field service software solution built on the platform. It includes features such as Installed Base Management, Scheduling & Dispatch, Service Requests & Work Orders, and more. This documentation serves as a guide in ServiceMax testing.

ServiceMax also has a mobile application, the Field Service App (FSA), which Provar supports. For information on how to test the FSA mobile application, please refer to ServiceMax FSA Mobile Testing.

Note: As of version 1.9, Provar supports both the ServiceMax desktop and the ServiceMax mobile applications. pre-1.9 versions support desktop ServiceMax only.

ServiceMax Desktop Setup

To begin the guide in ServiceMax testing, create a Salesforce Connection in the standard way first.

guide in setting up ServiceMax Desktop

Refer to Adding a Connection for more information.

Creating ServiceMax Test Cases

Once your Connection is added, you can start adding ServiceMax test cases in the standard way. Make sure you select your ServiceMax Connection and select the application as ServiceMax from the dropdown.

guide in creating ServiceMax test case

This will open the test case in the ServiceMax application.

screenshot of ServiceMax testing application

Refer to Creating Test Cases for more information.

ServiceMax Work Orders

Provar automatically recognizes the Work Order object and its fields when mapping test steps.

Here is an example of test step mapping on the New Work Order page.

example test step mapping on the New Work Order page

Here is an example test step mapping of a record in the Recent Work Orders table on the Work Order tab.

example test step mapping of a record in the Recent Work Orders table on the Work Order tab

Here is an example ServiceMax test case including both of the above steps, as seen from Provar Desktop:

example ServiceMax test case including both mapping on the new work order page and recent work orders table on the work order tab in Provar

Service Flow Wizards

Provar supports mapping all Service Flow Wizards, including Field Service and WO Wizard actions.

Example 1: Close work order

Below is an example test mapping a Close Work Order flow.

After right-clicking on Close Work Order and selecting Add to Test Case, the following draft test step appears:

example of Close work order flow

Note that the Work Order View screen and an embedded page representing the Service Flow Wizards have been recognized automatically. The Close Work Order option has also been recognized automatically.

Clicking Add & Do on the draft test step navigates the user to the Close Work Order page, where all fields are recognized automatically.

The below test step is an example step entering a value into the Work Performed field:

step on how to enter a value into the Work Performed field

Once Add & Do is clicked on the above step, the step is executed as follows:

screenshot on how test a value into the Work Performed field

Here is the test as it appears in Provar Desktop:

screenshot of testing work order flow in Provar Desktop

Example 2: Edit Work Order Lines – Usage

Below is an example test mapping an Edit Work Order Lines – Usage flow.

After right-clicking on Edit Work Order Lines – Usage and selecting Add to Test Case, the following draft test step appears:

screenshot on how to edit work order lines in ServiceMax

Note that the Work Order View screen and an embedded page representing the Service Flow Wizards have been recognized automatically. The Edit Work Order Lines – Usage option has also been recognized automatically.

Clicking Add & Do on the draft test step navigates the user automatically to the Manage Work Order Usage page:

screenshot of Clicking Add & Do on the draft test step navigates the user automatically to the Manage Work Order Usage page

The below test step is an example step entering a value into the Priority field:

example step entering a value into the Priority field in ServiceMax

Once again, the page and the target field are recognized automatically.

Once Add & Do is clicked on the above step, the test moves on to the Add Parts button in the Lines section of the page:

guide in test moves on to the Add Parts button in the Lines once target field is recognized

The correct part is then located via the ServiceMax Lookup:

use ServiceMax Lookup to locate the correct part on target field

use ServiceMax Lookup to locate the correct part on target field

Note that Provar recognizes the search results as a table with results located on a specific Product Name value:

sample of Provar recognizing the search results in ServiceMax testing

Once the correct part is located and selected, the Save button is mapped:

image of servicemax and provar test builder after saving

Here is the completed test case as seen from Provar Desktop:

sample completed test case from Provar Desktop with ServiceMax

ServiceMax FSA Mobile Testing

As of Provar version 1.9, Provar also supports testing ServiceMax’s Field Service Application for iOS. Refer to ServiceMax FSA Mobile Testing for more information.


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