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How to Know if a File in Automation is Linked in Provar Manager

How will users know if a Test Plan structure is linked in Provar Manager? Provar uses Provar Manager File Decoration to provide a visual hint to the user when the relevant Provar test objects/files are linked to the Provar Manager. So, just by a glance, the user can see which Test objects are already uploaded and linked in Provar Manager. 

A reference is presented to the user to show the linked object in Provar Manager and provide visual feedback; the word Provar Manager is displayed next to the file in the format [AssociationType] e.g. [ProvarManager]. For an associated Test Plan, the Provar Manager File Decoration is displayed as given in the screenshot below.

Note: This visual reference [ProvarManager] is displayed for all test objects linked to the Provar Manager, i.e., Environments, Test Plans, Test Plan Folders, Test Instances, and Test cases.

Above: Provar Manager File Decoration is displayed for the Test Plans.

For more information, check out this course on University of Provar.


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