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PDF Testing

There may be scenarios where you need to download a PDF document and edit/assert the text it contains to test. It can be quickly done in Provar using the Download interaction for links, which downloads the link’s destination in a value and parses/asserts it.

Download and Assert PDF Testing

Specify the following parameters:

  • Result Name: Stores the content of the downloaded document
  • Result Scope: Select the scope of the result
  • Result Format: Indicates how Provar should do the content

The content of the document/PDF can be processed or tested in three ways.

Parsed PDF

The content will be parsed by Provar, allowing the value to be updated using Replace test step. The text content of word/PDF documents is made available for assertion while testing.

Above: View the document’s content that will be stored in OldContents->contentText.

Use MatchAPI to Assert Text


The content is parsed similarly to the above but stored as a simple text value. The value cannot be updated and re-uploaded. Text content is available for only assertion.


The content will just be available as raw data. The value cannot be updated and re-uploaded.


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