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String Test Steps


The Match test step scans a string for a specific value and stores the matches in an output variable.

This is particularly useful when you want to parse a string based on search criteria. It is often used on strings resulting from other operations, such as a received email message or Apex Execute.

Drag the Match test step from the Test Palette into the test case.

Update the following parameters:

  • Input String: The string you want to parse
  • Regular Expression: The value you want to search the string for
  • Case Insensitive: Check this checkbox if the matching should ignore the cases of the input string and the regular expression or leave unchecked if the case should be matched
  • Result Name: The name of the output variable in which the results of the search should be stored
  • Result Scope: The range in which the ‘Result Name’ variable can be used or referenced

Then, save the test case.


The Split test step splits a string based on a separator and stores the split strings in an output variable list.

Drag the Split test step from the Test Palette into the test case.

Update the following parameters:

  • Input String: The string to be split
  • Separator: Enter the character(s) to split the input string.
  • Result Name: The name of the output variable in which the split strings should be stored
  • Result Scope: The range in which the ‘Result Name’ variable can be used or referenced

Then, save the test case.


The Replace test step modifies a text by finding all occurrences of a matching string and replacing them with a replacement string. This function is comparable to the ‘find and replace’ feature in text editors like Microsoft Word.

Drag the Replace tests step from the Test Palette into the test case.

Update the following parameters:

  • Input String: The variable which carries the text you want to modify
  • Find: The value which should be sought and replaced in the Input String
  • Replacement: The string value that should take the place of the Find value in the matched occurrences
  • Case Insensitive: Check this checkbox if the operation should ignore the case of the Input String and the Find expression or leave unchecked if the case should be matched.
  • Result Name: The name of the output variable in which the modified text should be stored
  • Result Scope: The range in which the ‘Result Name’ variable can be used or referenced

Then, save the test case.


The following use case shows how each String test step can be used.

In this scenario, an Account is created in Salesforce. This triggers a notification email to the new Account Owner, giving them a long string as a reference, e.g., Account_0019000001TXZoD–.

In this example, we will use String APIs to extract the long string reference and convert it into a shorter form containing just the Account ID.

Step 1: In Salesforce, an Account is created. This triggers a workflow email to the Account Owner containing the Account ID embedded in a concatenated string:

Step 2: The incoming email is read by Provar using a Subscribe Messaging API and the full email body text is extracted:

Step 3: A Match API is used to extract the Account reference ‘Account_0019000001TXZoD‘ from the full email body:

The Match result is placed into a variable:

Step 4: A Split API is used to extract the Account ID ‘0019000001TXZoD‘ from the Match result variable above:

The Split result ‘0019000001TXZoD‘ is placed into a variable:

Step 5: A Replace API is used to modify the full email body to replace the original Account reference with the Account ID ‘0019000001TXZoD‘.

Step 6: A new email containing the simplified Account ID is sent with the modified email body.


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