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Provar Manager Test Execution

The Test Execution phase focuses on running the test cases designed during the Test Case Design phase to validate a software application’s functionality, performance, reliability, and other quality attributes. In this phase, the testing team executes the planned tests using appropriate tools and environments to identify any defects or issues in the software under test.

Test execution can be performed manually, where a tester follows the steps outlined in each test case and records the results, or automated, where specialized tools (e.g., Provar Automation) execute predefined test scripts and report the results. Manual testing is typically used for exploratory, usability tests requiring human judgment or interaction. Automated testing, on the other hand, is ideal for regression testing, performance testing, and other repetitive tests.

Test execution should be organized with clear documentation of test results and any identified defects or issues. The testing team must follow the established test plan and cover all the defined test cases to comprehensively cover the software’s functionality. This phase is crucial for identifying any issues or bugs early in the development process and providing feedback to the development team, allowing them to make improvements before the software is released to customers.

Effective test execution contributes to the overall success of a software project by ensuring that the software is functioning as intended, meeting its requirements, and providing an excellent user experience. This results in increased customer satisfaction, reduced time to market, and ultimately leads to higher quality software.

Provar Manager helps you record the execution (manual or automated) and the results of your tests. 

To start, go to a test plan record. Under its Execution section, you will find a list of
test cycles where you can create new Test Cycles.

The Test Cycle record page is split into multiple sections:

  • Details: This section lets you define the test environment status and track the start/end date times.
  • Test Executions: This section allows you to manage test executions.
  • Configuration: This section allows you to define the testing tool and test environment settings to be used.
  • External Test Results: This section allows you to track imported test results.

Managing Test Cycles

The Test Executions Manager component found on every test cycle record’s Test
Executions section allows you to do the following:

  • Add test suites, automatically creating a test execution record for each test
    case in the test suite.
  • Add individual test executions.
  • Perform mass status changes on the selected test executions.
  • Delete the selected test executions.
  • Search test executions.
  • Retry all executions, just the failed ones, or only the selected executions.

Managing Test Executions

The Test Execution record page is split into various sections:

  • Details: This section allows you to define the test case being executed, a related test suite, if any, the tester, its status, and any test setting that may differ from the ones set in the test cycle.
  • Results: This section allows you to log and track each test step.
  • Defects: This section allows you to manage related defects.

The Test Execution Timeline component in the Results section helps you log the results of running each test step, in case you run it manually or just review what has been reported by test automation tools like Provar Automation.

1. Use this dropdown to filter steps by their status (e.g., show only failed steps).
2. Turn to Edit Mode to log the results for each test step.
3. Refresh the timeline data.
4. Click the Copy Test Case Steps option to copy all the test steps from the test case defined in the test execution record.

5. Save Changes made to every test step execution record.
6. Exit Edit Mode.
7. Click on each test step to see more information about it.
8. View information about the test step or open the record on a new tab.
9. View information about the test step execution or open the record on a new tab.
10. Change the step execution status.
11. Raise a defect if the status is Fail.
12. Attach any relevant pieces of evidence (e.g., screenshots).

For more information, check out this course on University of Provar.


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