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Email Testing Examples

In your typical test flow where you need to test emails, you either need to send an email from your test case, receive an email triggered by some action in your testing, or both. The following email testing examples describe how to test these actions in Automation.

Sending an Email

In an email testing example, to send an email in a test case, navigate to the Messaging section of the Test Palette and drag and drop the Send Message test step into your test case.

Alternatively, you can drag the email browser into your test case and choose to Send mail from this account.

Image showing how to populate the parameters to send a mail from this account

Populate the parameters as follows:

  • Source Connection: The Email Connection from which you wish to send the email
  • To, CC and BCC: The direct recipients, CC’s, and BCC’s you wish to include in your email
  • Contents: The email body
  • Subject: The email subject line
  • Signature: The email signature

You can add an attachment by clicking the Parameter icon above (see circled) and populating the attachment path.

Then, save the test case.

Receiving an Email / Subscribing to an Email Connection

To receive an email in a test case, navigate to the Messaging section of the Test Palette and drag and drop the Subscribe test step into your test case.

Alternatively, drag the email browser into your test case and select Subscribe to this mail folder.

Receiving an Email / Subscribing to an Email Vonnection

Populate the parameters as follows:

  • Source Connection: The Email Connection you wish to receive email from / subscribe to.
  • Folder, From, Subject: Any filters applied to the emails being read. Leave these blank if you wish to read all emails.
  • Subscription Name: The variable that will contain the results of the email(s) read.
  • Subscription Scope: This defines to which extent the variable scope (Subscription Name) is valid. By default, it is a “Test Case,” which implies that you can only use the details in that test case. As a user, you can define the value to (Test Run, Test Folder, Group Step, Test Step) per your requirement.

Then, save the test case.

Note: Ensure this subscribes test step is executed in your test case before the email is triggered in the execution flow.

Receiving an Email After Polling

Use the Wait For test step to receive an email after a defined period. This test step will poll the email account until a given condition is satisfied or the defined wait time has elapsed.

To use the Wait For test step, navigate to the Control section of the Test Palette and drag and drop the Wait For test step into your test case.

sample of Receiving an Email After Polling email testing

Populate the standard Wait For test step parameters.

When populating Condition, note that you can enter a period after the Result variable to access variables such as messageCount (see screenshot above).

Then, save the test case.

For more information, check out this course on University of Provar.


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