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Email Testing in Automation

Email Setup in Automation

In email testing in Automation, you need first to create an Email Connection in Automation and then subscribe to them in your Test Case. Your Email Connection can use either Gmail or Microsoft Exchange.

Select the Connections tab from the ‘Test Settings’ tab and click the + button to create a new Connection.

Option 1: Adding a Gmail Connection

Select ‘Google’ on New Connection for the Connection type and Google Applications option in the following dropdown. Automation offers two options for making the Gmail Connection: Web-based or Password Authentication.

Option 1.1: Gmail Web-based Authentication

  1. Enter User and select ‘Web-based Authentication.’
  2. Click ‘Authorise.’
  3. When the Gmail window opens, enter your credentials and authorize the connection.
  4. Check that the rest of the details are populated automatically.
  5. Select ‘Test Connection’ and click ‘OK’ if successful.

Option 1.2: Gmail Password Authentication

  1. Enter User, select ‘Web-based Authentication,’ and enter Password.
  2. Select ‘Test Connection’ and click ‘OK’ if successful.

Please refer to the Gmail Connection in Automation with the App Password page.

Option 2: Adding a Microsoft Exchange Connection

Select Microsoft for Connection type and MS Exchange in the following dropdown on a new connection.

Provar offers three options for making the Microsoft Exchange connection: an Online Exchange Account, Exchange 2007 or later (via EWS), or an Older version of Exchange (via IMAP). Select the option relevant to your company’s Microsoft Exchange implementation and follow the instructions for your chosen option.

Option 2.1: MS Exchange Server 2007 or later (via EWS)

  1. Set Type to Exchange 2007 or later (via EWS) and Enter User Name and Password.
  2. Select a Host option between ‘Auto Discover Host Name’ or ‘Use supplied Host Name.’ If you chose Use supplied Host Name, enter the Host Name manually.
  3. Select Test Connection and click OK if successful.

Option 2.2: Older versions of MS Exchange server via IMAP4 protocol (includes 2000, 2003) To use this option, you will require IMAP4 support to be enabled in your Exchange server. Don’t hesitate to contact your Technical support team to enable IMAP4 support if this is not already enabled.

  1. Set the Type to Older version of Exchange (via IMAP), and enter your Host Name, User Name, and Password.
  2. Select Test Connection and click OK if successful.

You can see this under the Connections tab once you finish creating your Gmail or MS Exchange connection.

For more information, check out this course on University of Provar.


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