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List and Table Testing

For all standard Salesforce elements, such as list views and related lists, Automation will automatically recognize the element as a table and will map it accordingly.

Once mapped, Automation provides two methods of locating information in tables. The first is a WHERE option, which lets you search for a specific record based on defined criteria (e.g., a Case where Case Number = 00001544). The second is a ROW NUMBER option, which lets you select a record based on its row position in the table (e.g., a Case, which is result number 1, the first row in a list). See below for examples of both in use.

Testing in a list view

Navigate to the list view and open it:

Note that your column headers and row details may differ from the screenshot above. Right-click on the hyperlinked Name/Number of one of the rows in the list (in this example, the Case Number of a Case) and select ‘Add to Test Case’.

When the Test Builder loads this Test Step, it will look like this.

Note that the list view has been detected automatically.

It is unnecessary to add Test Steps to navigate to this list view. Automatio will navigate there automatically in the same way it can navigate to Tabs. By default, however, this auto-navigation only applies to the first screen of a Test Case. Navigations to later screens are assumed to be driven through the Test Steps unless specified otherwise.

Locating rows in a list view with Row Number

In the Test Builder, there are two types of row location: this first option is the WHERE option, where a record is located by defined criteria. The WHERE has been populated automatically based on the row mapped in the example above.

The other option is to use ROW NUMBER to locate a record based on its position in the list.

In Test Builder, on the draft Test Step, click the Where option to toggle it to Row Number.

After selecting Row Number, the Row Locator section will be reduced to a single line, with 1 prefilled.

This means that the first record in the list view will be selected. Amend this as preferred, then click Add & Do.

Locating rows in a related list with WHERE

This example shows locating a specific record in a related list using a WHERE clause.

Navigate to the related list (in this example, the Activity History on a Case).

Right-click on a hyperlinked record Name/Number and click Add to Test Case:

The Test Builder will add a draft Test Step such as this one.

Note that the Test Builder has prefilled the WHERE clause with information from the cell mapped (in this example, the Activity Subject field). This can be overwritten with any desired value. If you would like to use a variable or a value from a data source, simply call Content Assist (CTRL+SPACE) and select the desired value. You can also use a combination of row locators by clicking the checkbox beside each one.

Add your own row locators(s), then click ‘Add & Do’.

List view pagination

When searching for a record using a WHERE clause in a list view, it is recommended to use Automation’s auto-paginate option to search through all the results. This instructs Automation to go through the list view results automatically until a record matching the criteria is found.

You will find ‘Auto Paginate’ on your With Row Test Step under Options:

How to use Equals, Contains, Starts With, Ends With in With Row

This topic deals with using different operators like Equals, Contains, Starts With, and Ends With inside the With Row step.

Available operators:

  1. Equals
  2. Contains
  3. Starts With
  4. Ends With

Equals: You can use the “=” operator. Automation checks for the string with the same name as the specified string.

Syntax: {Name = “value“}

Contains: You can use the “~“ symbol. Automation checks for the string that contains the specified string.

Syntax: {Name ~ “.*value.*“}

Starts With: You can use the “~“ symbol. Automation checks for the string which starts with the specified string.

Syntax: {Name ~ “Tes.*“}

Ends With: You can use the “~“ symbol. Automation checks for the string which ends with the specified string.

Syntax: {Name ~ “.*ing“}

For more information, check out this course on University of Provar.


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