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CircleCI Common Build Errors

CircleCI Common Build Errors

If you encounter or experience some build errors while working on CircleCI Orb integration, please refer to the common CircleCI build errors below for troubleshooting.  

1) No config.yml file is found in the project.

Solution: Make sure your ProjectName is correctly referenced in the CircleCI config.yml file and you are correctly using the variables/parameters in the build.xml file for the {testproject.home}

2) No Provar libraries are found.

Solution: Check your {provar.home} value in the build file and make sure it does not reference any environment variables in CircleCI that use relative paths. The path must be absolute in this case. Also, ensure the config.yml file is correctly passing the {provar.home} parameter to the ANT build as in the command: ant -Dprovar.home=”/home/circleci/project/Provar_Home.”

3) The Test Plan does not exist.

Solution: Your config.yml references a test plan that does not exist in your project. Make sure whatever you set the parameter test_plan to refers to an actual test plan inside the plans/ folder in your project.

4) The Test results are not showing in CircleCI.

Solution: Your store_test_results and store_artifacts test steps are not referencing the correct directory, as they exist in CircleCI and your repository home. The project_name parameter should match the initial folder name here. For example, if project_name is SalesforceProject, your steps should look as shown below.

You cannot reference parameters and/or environment variables in these paths since CircleCI does not expand parameters in these paths.

5) An invalid secrets password is provided.

Solution: The Provar project was encrypted and checked into the Version Control System (VCS), but CircleCI does not have the proper secrets password to access the project. Ensure you have an environment variable created in CircleCI that is named properly. The build file should refer to your secrets password, as shown below.

The “ProvarSecretsPassword” value must match the name of the environment variable that you created in CircleCI. Additionally, your build file should refer to the secrets password as shown below.


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