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While remaining in your integrated development environment, you can integrate Automation with Jira to monitor, add, and update Jira issues. This is achieved through the standard Atlassian Connector for Eclipse. Refer to Working with Jira issues in Eclipse for more information.

Adding the Jira plugin

When using the Jira plugin for the first time or after updating to a new version of Automation, the plugin must be enabled in your Automation instance.

First, ensure you are running Automation as an administrator.

In Windows, this is done by right-clicking on provar.exe and selecting Run as administrator:

On a Mac, this is done by opening the terminal, running sudo /Applications/ then entering the Admin password:

Then go to the toolbar in Automation and click Help > Add/Remove Features:

Tick the checkbox against the Jira plugin:

Then click the Install button.

The following dialog box will appear:

Click OK. The plugin options will become available for use after a restart.

After the tool has been restarted, verify that the Task List view has appeared as a tab next to the Org Browser.

If Task List does not appear automatically, click the View icon in the top-right corner of Automation to select it:

Adding a JIRA repository

Take the following steps to add a JIRA Repository. Refer to Configuring your JIRA Server for more information on these steps.

Step 1: From Automation, navigate to the Task List view next to the Org Browser.

Step 2: Click New Task dropdown and select Add Repository…:

Step 3: On the following screen, select the Jira task repository type:

Then click the Next button.

Step 4: On the screen which follows, enter a password for the secure storage:

Then click the OK button and provide a password hint if you want.

Step 5: The following screen will appear:

Enter the information as follows:

  • Server: The location (URL) of your Jira server
  • Label: A descriptive name for your Jira server, e.g., JAC
  • Disconnected: If necessary, tick this checkbox to disable a particular server without deleting it. This is useful if your servers are behind a firewall and you do not have access to them at a particular point in time.
  • User ID: The username to connect to your Jira server
  • Password: The password which is associated with the above username
  • Save Password: Tick this checkbox to save your password on disk. Leave the checkbox unticked to be prompted for a password every time you start your IDE

Also, tick the checkbox Follow Redirect under Additional Settings.

Step 6: Click the Validate Settings button to verify that the connection details entered are correct.

If successful, the message Authentication Credentials are valid will appear at the top of the screen.

Then click the Finish button.

Step 7: The following screen will appear, offering to add a query:

Click the Yes button.

Adding a query

Take the following steps to add a new or existing query. Refer to Working with JIRA Issues in Eclipse for more information.

Step 1: After following the steps above, the following screen will appear:

To reuse an existing query, select the radio buttons. Use saved favorite filter or Predefined filter.

Alternatively, to create a new query, leave the default option and Create query using the form.

Then click the Next button.

Step 2: Wait for Automation to synchronize the repository configuration. This may take a few minutes. (If wanted, select ‘Run in Background’ to continue using Automation.)

Step 3: Once the Edit Repository Query window displays, enter a Query Title:

Then, specify search parameters. It is recommended to specify some parameters to limit query results to a manageable number, e.g., Reported By = Current User and Status = Ready for QA.

Finally, click the Finish button to add the query to the Task List.

Creating a new issue

Follow these steps to create a new issue from within Automation.

Step 1: From the Task List view, click the New Task icon on the toolbar:

Step 2: In the screen which follows, select your repository (e.g., JIRA) and then click Next.

Step 3: Select the relevant project from the list, then click Finish.

Step 4: Enter the issue details in the New Task screen, then click Submit.

Viewing an issue

Navigate to the Task List view. Click on a query to view the issues underneath.

Double-click on any issue to open the Task Editor in the center view of Automation.

For more information, check out this course on University of Provar.


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