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Provar Test Results Package

Important Note! The Test Results application is no longer supported, and we encourage you to upgrade to Provar Manager. For ease of integration, please refer to our guide Integration with Provar Manager without changing your test cases.

Provar has a managed package on the Salesforce AppExchange that stores and displays Provar test results in a dashboard view inside your Salesforce org. For information on installing and setting up this package, please refer to the Salesforce Test Integration Package.

Provar Test Results package can be used to write your test results back into your Salesforce org, which can then be linked to your Copado Deployment jobs.

The following is a zipped project which contains the necessary test cases to get started with your Provar test results implementation: Provar Copado Integration Tests. Once this project is downloaded to your machine locally, you can extract this folder anywhere. 

You can copy the test case files directly to your project. Included are also some sample build files and a test spreadsheet for the sample test. 

Image showing how to copy the test case files to your project for Provar Integrations in Copado

Note: tests/Copado contains all test cases.

Provar callable test results package

Relevant Test Cases for Writing your Test Results Back to Salesforce 

Create Test Suite. setup: This test case is a setup test case that runs at the start to create the Provar test suite execution object. The two customizable fields being used here are:

sample of a Suite.setup test case that runs at the start to create the Provar test suite execution object

The provarti__Name__c field is the name of your test suite execution.

The Deployment__c is a reference field to the Copado deployment. We will be pulling this Id from the environment variables. Since all build parameters passed to Jenkins are saved as environment variables, this is the DEPLOYMENT_ID environment variable. This may also be the EXTERNAL_ID environment variable if you have set the build parameter as such.

Create a Test Case. testcase: This is a callable test case that must be run inside a Finally block at the end of each test case you want to track results for. Examples are inside the CreateAndConverLead.testcase and CreateAccountsFromExcel.testcase tests.

You will need to pass the name of the test case being executed to this test case so it can be appropriately tracked in your Salesforce org. An excellent way to do this is by using the TestCaseName() function built-in to Provar and passing that as a test case parameter. 

Update Test Suite.teardown: This test case is a teardown test case that will always run at the end of the test run to update the Provar test case execution object with the total test run duration.

Once you have checked in your Provar project with these changes implemented, you can see your test results inside your Salesforce org, along with your linked Copado deployment.

Linking your Copado Deployment to Test Suites

Finally, suppose you want to link our test results to the Copado deployment log record id. In that case, you must create a new Lookup relationship from the test execution suite object to the Copado deployment object. When populated in the Provar test case, the test results will automatically become visible from Copado.

Linking your Copado Deployment to Test Suites figure A

Once added, you can test your deployments with the added test cases to see if they update the records correctly.

If so, you should see some test suite executions being created and the Copado deployment record link:

Linking your Copado Deployment to Test Suites figure B


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