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ProvarDx Reporting

This article presents a summary of a substantial ProvarDx upgrade, focusing on the user interface (UI) aspect of two essential features: PDF report generating and email report sending. These enhancements are intended to simplify your experience and better integrate ProvarDx with the ANT interface for a more effortless user journey.

Generate PDF Report

We have added an “Email” tab to the Export Window in the upcoming ProvarDx release. The goal of this update is to make it easier to create and email PDF execution reports. The ProvarDx Email tab will have a layout similar to the ANT interface, which is well-known to many users. To be in line with the ANT design,

Note: The properties.json file will include an entry for email. When no default JSON file is present, the default email option selected will be “Don’t send an Email.”

Depending on the selected email option, the labeling of the checkbox will vary. If “Don’t send an Email” or no email option is chosen, the checkbox label will be “Generate PDF execution report.” If “Email the Test Run report” is selected, the label will change to “Attach PDF execution report.”

The ability to attach zipped HTML reports won’t change because execution will always produce HTML reports regardless of the email options chosen. The user’s choice inside the Email tab will determine how the email and attachment setups behave. These arrays’ settings will adjust dynamically to reflect the user’s preferences.

ProvarDx will now be even more user-friendly and effective in our opinion, enabling you to easily create PDF execution reports. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. 

Email Execution Reports

In the same export window above we have simplified the process of sending execution summary reports via email after your test execution is completed. This feature draws inspiration from the functionality available in ANT, making it easier for you to configure and send emails with PDF and Zip (HTML, JUnit) reports. 

Here are the key aspects of this feature:

  • “Email” tab to the ProvarDx export window to make configuring email options easier. This user-friendly interface will make it easier to set up email notifications.
  • When you open the Email tab, you’ll see that the default setting roughly mimics that of the corresponding window in ANT. This familiarity provides a smooth transition for ANT users.
  • The properties.json file in your Provardx project will have a separate section for email configuration. This entry has two arrays: one for email configuration parameters (emailProperties) and one for attachment details (attachmentProperties), allowing you to customise your email settings.
  • The behaviour of the email and attachment parameters will dynamically adapt. This means your settings will be adjusted accordingly, giving you complete control over your email reports.

To ensure the successful implementation of this feature, we’ve provided various configuration options:

  • Navigate to the Email tab on the export window and choose “Email the Test Report option’ and specify the Email Subject and recipients.
  • Select PDF and HTML attachment as needed and export the json.
  • The email sent will include the subject specified in the “Email Subject” field.
  • The email will be sent to the addresses specified in the Primary, Cc, and Bcc fields, allowing you to reach the right recipients.
  • The email sending behavior will align with your selection of PDF and Zip report options, ensuring you only include the attachments you need.
  • The PDF included in the email will be generated according to the configuration within the Email window, giving you full control over the report format.
  • Users can conveniently configure their email accounts directly using the “Email Configuration” option.
  • The “Close” and “Export” functions operate as usual. Upon export, the ProvarDx properties file will contain email, attachment, subject, and recipient configurations, ensuring your settings are saved and ready for use.

This functionality allows Provar users to send full test execution reports for ProvarDx execution via email with ease. It provides flexibility and control over reporting options while being consistent with ANT’s known behaviour. We feel that this addition will streamline your testing process and improve your overall Provar experience.


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