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Consolidating Multiple Test Execution Reports 

Provar Automation now consolidates multiple test execution reports into a single report, ensuring stakeholders receive a complete and accurate overview of the test cycle.

  • Reporting on Individual Test Runs

    Automation now generates reports on the individual test runs, focusing only on specific tests that have been rerun.
  • Consolidating Results with Most Recent Runs

    Automation now consolidates multiple results into one report, showing only the most recent run of each test case.
  • Consolidating All Test Case Results

Automation now consolidates multiple results into one report, showing all test case results, including previously failed tests.  Including both initial and rerun results in the report.

  • Export Formats

Test reports can be exported in PDF and CSV formats.

  • CLI Execution Reporting Options

    Automation can consolidate CLI execution reports for retries by selecting following options:
      • ‘Run under Ant’ for tests
      • ‘Export as ANT build file’ options
  • Emailing Consolidated Reports

The Test Cycle has an “Email Test Cycle Report” option, similar to the ANT Email window option, to send the consolidated report via email.

  • ANT Execution Reporting

A consolidated report can be generated in the ANT result folder for Test and Test Plan executions using the Test Cycle. A test execution PDF report is created using the rerun option in every iteration.

  • Email Reporting for Iterations

    For ‘Email the test cycle report’, only the consolidated report will be sent after all iterations. When ‘Email the test run report’ is selected, the email report is be sent for every iteration, with the last iteration report being the consolidated report.

Note: When a Test Cycle is selected, PM reporting is disabled.


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