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Test Case Design

Below are some best practices for designing Provar test cases.

Reusable tests

Wherever possible, Callable test cases should be used to maximize reuse.

  • Always use input and return parameters to override data (avoid using variables where Scope = Test Folder or Test Run).
  • Try to ensure the test is flexible to support multiple use cases. The use of an If statement can help support different use cases
  • Create multiple Callable Tests if the test case is becoming overly complex and difficult to support
  • Choose a meaningful Callable test case name and provide a meaningful summary description. The summary description will be displayed in the Assistant view when using the Callable Test.

Readable tests

It is important that team members can run and understand each other’s tests.

Note: Group Steps are recommended for organizing and adding comments to your test cases.  These can be added at any level and can help to reduce complexity. 

Create meaningful folder structures in the Navigator and conform to an agreed naming standard for Test Cases.

Maintainable tests

Ease of maintenance must be considered when creating test cases.

  • Reduce the number of UI test steps by using SFDC API test steps.
  • Reduce the number of UI test steps by allowing Provar to navigate directly to SFDC layouts. For this, you can use the Navigate option on any UI On Screen Test Step.
  • Do not rely on existing data in your test environment; always create what you need for your test case.
  • Avoid unreliable field locators.

Field locators

The following types of locators should be avoided:

  • Salesforce IDs: e.g., 00eb0000000uFma cannot be guaranteed between environments. Use Provar’s metadata integration instead.
  • J_ids for Visualforce pages: e.g., j_id0:j_id1:j_id2:j_id32:j_id33 These IDs can change frequently. Use Provar’s Visualforce locators instead.
  • Extremely long XPaths (e.g. /html/body/div[4]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div/table[1]/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]): When testing against non-Salesforce pages, Provar presents the option to use an XPath editor. This is recommended for creating an optimized XPath.

Other standards

  • A peer review process should be used in the creation of test cases.
  • If test execution is on multiple Orgs or Environments, all these Orgs/Environments should be consistent to avoid incorrect failure of test cases.
  • Transient data (not present after a sandbox refresh) should not be used in tests.
  • Page Objects should not have multiple definitions for the same field.
  • If modifying data in your Org, ensure it is returned to its original state.
  • Tests should be able to run using the Run mode without breakpoints or debugging.
  • The Sleep test step should be used sparingly. Use Page Object Timeouts for UI Testing or Wait For for Asynchronous Testing for better control.
  • All tests should use group steps to help explain the functional logic.
  • Screenshots should be added at essential points such as UI Asserts.
  • Test cases should be backed up in the Configuration management system of choice.
  • When performing table testing, the With Row should use a WHERE clause in preference to a hardcoded Row Number.

For more information, check out this course on University of Provar.


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