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Page Object Operations

A page object operation is a custom function that is used to execute Java code on a page object within Provar. You can use a page object operation in your test case when you need to perform UI testing that is either impossible or too complex to achieve using standard Provar test step types. You must generally write the Java code in a function and call it into your test case on a page object.

An example use case

The following includes one suggested use case. In this scenario, you can configure the filters on a custom Salesforce Visualforce page where the filtered data is defined in an Excel sheet, which has to be read and driven into the test case and subsequently on the UI.


First, identify the UI fields to be mapped and the page object operations you want to execute. Since this is a custom Visualforce page, you should define the page object and map the fields. Looking at the UI, the following fields can be easily mapped via the Test Builder using locators:

  • Last Name
  • Checkbox
  • Delete Button
  • Lookup

However, the fields – Field, Operator, and Value are repetitive but do not form a table. The locators for these fields under a column are not unique and thus have to be assigned a row index on the column locator, as shown for the Value column below.

To make the test case data-driven, you should read the data from the Excel file and pass it into the above page object operation using a Foreach loop.


Step 1: Create a test case invoking the Salesforce Connection and launch the Test Builder.

Step 2: Read the Excel file to enter the data in the filters.

Step 3: Go to the Visualforce page. One by one, map the five fields as defined in the strategy using the Add operation within the Test Builder, creating a new Page Object. 

Image showing how to map the fields from the Visualforce page

Step 4: Open the file from the Navigator under Project->src->pageobjects. Verify from the Page Object Editor view that the five fields have been mapped. 

Step 5: Create a new page object operation from the Java Source tab as shown below.

Image showing how to create a new page object operation from the Java Source tab

Step 6: On the test case, add (drag and drop) the UI Action test step to create the test step to call the above page object operation (function) under the ForEach loop, passing the values read from the Excel sheet as shown below.

Image showing the ForEach loop passing the values from the Excel sheet

Note: The function parameters defined above (LastName) are being reflected as inputs under interaction with the Action = Call.

Step 7: Order the test steps properly and debug and execute your test case to ensure all operations are performed successfully.

References for detailed Selenium help documentation:

Create a page object operation to retrieve the current URL from your browser

Step 1: Create a page object operation. 

Step 2: Add a UI OnScreen test step and select the page object name. 

Step 3: Add the Action API test step and select Page Operation. 

Step 4: Insert the following:

package pageobjects;

import java.util.List;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;


import com.provar.core.testapi.annotations.*;

@Page(title = "Get Current URL", summary = "", relativeUrl = "", connection = "ThreePanellayout")

public class GetCurrentURL {

WebDriver driver;

GetCurrentURL(WebDriver driver) {

this.driver = driver;


public String getCurrentURL() {

return driver.getCurrentUrl();




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