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How To Integrate Provar Manager

Provar Manager API

Provar Manager provides a custom-built API to process requests of different kinds and retrieve their status.
To learn how to enable the API, please refer to Configuring Provar Manager.

Authentication Methods

OAuth 2.0

If you chose OAuth 2.0 as the authentication method, please refer to Salesforce’s documentation on how to authenticate using the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

Other Authentication Methods

If you choose None or API Key as the authentication method, follow these extra steps to make the API available to external systems.

Create a Site

1. Open the Salesforce Setup page by clicking the gear icon on the top right and selecting Setup.

2. Click on User Interface > Sites and Domains > Sites on the left side menu.

3. If there aren’t any other sites already, read and accept the Salesforce Site Terms of Use, and click Register My Salesforce Site Domain.

4. Create a new Site by clicking on the New button.

5. Enter the details for your new site. For example:
a. Site Label: Provar Manager API
b. Site Name: Provar_Manager_API
c. Site Description: This site is used to expose the Provar Manager API to external systems.
d. Active: Checked
e. Active Site Home Page: InMaintenance

6. Click Save.

7. The site should now be visible in the list of sites.

8. Note the site’s URL, which will be needed later to call the API from external systems.
For example:

Configure the Public Access Settings
  1. Open the site created previously.
  2. Click the Public Access Settings button.
  3. (Optional) Scroll toward the bottom to define Login Hours or Login IP
    Ranges if you want to restrict usage of the Provar Manager API to particular
    hour ranges or IP addresses.
  4. Click on the View Users button.
  5. Click on the user’s Full Name to open it.
  6. Scroll down to the Permission Set Assignments section and click on Edit
  7. Select the Provar Manager – API permission set and click Save.

For more information, check out this course on University of Provar.


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